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Square Enix Wiki:News

From Square Enix Wiki, the Fan-wiki for all things Square Enix
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News is our page for updating with the latest news from Square Enix, its series and works, the Square Enix Independent Wiki Alliance, SEIWA member wikis, and the Square Enix Wiki. Remember to add any news here to the Main Page. If you have any news worth noting, be sure to mention them on the talk page!


  • News must be related to:
    • Square Enix
    • Square Enix video games
    • Square Enix manga, comics, animes, and other works
    • The Square Enix Independent Wiki Alliance
    • Other SEIWA sites
    • The Square Enix Wiki
  • Only admins and users with 300+ edits can actually write news articles on this page.



April 13th

By User:On the Faultline 20:45, 16 April 2023 (UTC-3)

PlayStation's official channels broadcast a 25-minute State of Play presentation dedicated to Final Fantasy XVI. The video showed off the game's combat and mechanics such as monster hunts in the vein of Final Fantasy XII, NPCs of the game's Hideaway area, along with announcing the theme song by Japanese singer-songwriter Kenshi Yonezu, known for his song "Kick Back", the opening theme to the anime adaptation of Chainsaw Man.

The full presentation can be watched here.



May 4th

By KeybladeSpyMaster 00:55, 7 May 2015 (UTC)

Microsoft Corporation held their annual Build developer's conference last week, and as part of enticing developers to make games for their new and upcoming Windows 10 OS, they asked Square Enix to make a small presentation using Microsoft's DirectX 12 technology, which will ship with the operating system. The presentation features a scene using elements from Final Fantasy XV, and the focus was largely on lighting, skin, and hair rendering. Hajime Tabata from Square Enix's Business Division II gave a small intro before the folks at Microsoft rolled the clip. The scene is actually really impressive.

You can check the clip out at WinBeta.org

Microsoft’s DirectX 12 will launch with Windows 10 later this year. Final Fantasy XV has been teased for a couple of years now and will release on Xbox One and PlayStation 4, though no official date has been mentioned.

May 8th

By KeybladeSpyMaster 02:42, 8 May 2015 (UTC)

After over a week of consistent work and editing, I'm proud to unveil our new Main Page! This site has been growing in structure quite well over the last couple months, but it lacked in a decent Main Page. Now, we've got a face on our site that definitely makes it worthwhile people's visit to the site. We hope that with our new Main Page, people will be encouraged to stay on the wiki and help build it into the best resource on Square Enix on the internet!

Along with the new home page, we've got some exciting features to announce on the wiki! We now have a Featured Article and Featured Media, which are meant to run monthly (though with little content, we don't expect it to do so this early on). We also have a News Bulletin to post news from Square Enix, the Square Enix Wiki, and SEIWA. This is an exciting time for all of us here at SEIWA, and I hope the progress continues!.