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Square Enix Wiki:Color Scheme

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All of the Color Schemes in the Wiki

Color samples

1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color
1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color
1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color
1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color
1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color
1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color
1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color
style="background:#Template:Chrono 1st color" | 1st color style="background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color" | 2nd color style="background:#Template:Chrono 3rd color" | 3rd color style="color:#Template:Chrono text color" | text color
1st color 2nd color 3rd color text color

Template Samples

Square Enix color scheme
1st color 0479FE
2nd color 68B9EE
3rd color 02127B
text color FFD700
text samples
default light series text color
default light series text color
default light series text color
Squaresoft color scheme
1st color 000000
2nd color 8B0000
3rd color 000000
text color D5DFEE
text samples
default light series text color
default light series text color
default light series text color
Enix color scheme
1st color 1FB508
2nd color 56DA51
3rd color 0F3C0B
text color FFFF00
text samples
default light series text color
default light series text color
default light series text color
Licensed color scheme
1st color E01F1F
2nd color EF4C4C
3rd color 620000
text color DFFEF8
text samples
default light series text color
default light series text color
default light series text color
Wiki color scheme
1st color 000080
2nd color FFF8C6
3rd color 000000
text color 000000
text samples
default light series text color
default light series text color
default light series text color
Neutral color scheme
1st color 808080
2nd color A9A9A9
3rd color 2F4F4F
text color 2F4F4F
text samples
default light series text color
default light series text color
default light series text color
Kingdom Hearts color scheme
1st color E51373
2nd color FF69B4
3rd color E6E6FA
text color FFFFFF
text samples
default light series text color
default light series text color
default light series text color
Chrono color scheme
style="width:50%; background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color; color:#Template:Chrono text color;" | 1st color Template:Chrono 1st color
style=" background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color;color:#Template:Chrono text color;" | 2nd color Template:Chrono 2nd color
style=" background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color;color:#Template:Chrono text color;" | 3rd color Template:Chrono 3rd color
style="border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color;color:#Template:Chrono text color;" | text color Template:Chrono text color
text samples
style="background:#Template:Chrono 1st color;color:#000000;" | default style="background:#Template:Chrono 1st color;color:#ffffff;" | light style="background:#Template:Chrono 1st color;color:#Template:Chrono text color;" | series text color
style="background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color;color:#000000;" | default style="background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color;color:#ffffff;" | light style="background:#Template:Chrono 2nd color;color:#Template:Chrono text color;" | series text color
default light style="background:#ffffff;color:#Template:Chrono text color;" | series text color
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This template is using the SEIWA color scheme