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Final Fantasy

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Final Fantasy

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Basic Info
style="width:50%; background:#Template:2nd color; color:#Template:Text color;" | Console(s) NES
style=" background:#Template:2nd color;color:#Template:Text color;" | Publisher(s) Square
style="border-bottom-left-radius: 15px; background:#Template:2nd color;color:#Template:Text color;" | Developer Squre

People Info
style="width:50%; background:#Template:2nd color; color:#Template:Text color;" | Producer(s)

Release Info
style="width:50%; background:#Template:2nd color; color:#Template:Text color;" | Japan

style="width:350px; border-radius: 15px; background:#Template:2nd color; border: 2px solid #Template:3rd color;color:#Template:Text color;text-align:center" | Square Enix has more info on {{ | | this game }}.
style="width:350px; border-radius: 15px; background:#Template:2nd color; border: 2px solid #Template:3rd color;color:#Template:Text color;text-align:center" | Template:Navbar





Technical details

Development history



There is an urban legend that Final Fantasy was originally intended to be Square's final game, hence the title. However, this legend is false[1][2].


External Links

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