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Template:InfoConsole: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "{| width=360px align="right" style="background: #{{Square Enix colors|bg}}; color: #{{Square Enix colors|text}}; border: solid 2px #{{Square Enix colors|border}}; border-radiu..."
(No difference)

Revision as of 04:50, 22 April 2015

Basic Information
Developer {{{developer}}}
Manufacturer {{{manufacturer}}}
Generation [[wikipedia:History of video game consoles ({{{generation}}} generation)|{{{generation}}} Generation]]
Life Cycle
Japanese Release {{{releasedJP}}}
North American Release {{{releasedNA}}}
European Release {{{releasedEU}}}
Australian Release {{{releasedAU}}}
Units Sold {{{units}}}
Predecesor {{{predecessor}}}
Successor {{{successor}}}

has more information on this console.